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How To Use Swimming To Tone Your Stomach

How To Use Swimming To Tone Your Stomach
Writer and expert3 years ago
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Discover which swimming exercises will get maximum results for slimming your tummy. No complicated sports science, just carefully honed advice from the experts.

7 simple ways to swim your way to great abs

What are the best ways to lose belly fat? Head down the pool to burn calories and target your tummy with specific strokes and exercises. Breaststroke, butterfly and backstroke all engage your core, length after length, while movements like water crunches give your abs a run for their money. You could also try the ‘wall grab’. At the pool edge, hold yourself up using your elbows, then starting with your legs straight or bent, gently bring them up until you’re in a seated position and hold this for 10 seconds before repeating.

Streamline your technique

Not only will a strong core look good, it’ll help you to enjoy a better body position in the water, boosting your performance. To really make it count? Mindfully engage your middle by imagining that you’re pulling your belly button towards your spine. This will tighten your abdominal muscles and keep your torso straight, with the knock-on effect of strengthening your back. Regardless of which swim stroke you choose, aim to keep your body as straight as possible so that you always work your core.

Include specific ab-strengthening exercises


Writer and expert
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