SpeedoWriter and expert3 years agoThree times Olympic coach Dave McNulty has created an 8-week swim training plan for the fitness swimmer. Following this 8-week plan will help you to raise your fitness levels and stamina when swimming.SpeedoWriter and expertRelated ArticlesAdviceEnsuring Water Safety with the SAFE Code3 years agoBy SpeedoCommunitySwim United12 months agoBy SpeedoAdviceStress-free Holiday Tips For Travelling With Kids3 years agoBy SpeedoFitnessHow To Improve Your Core By Fred Vergnoux3 years agoBy SpeedoAdviceTop Safety Tips for Open Water Swimming3 years agoBy SpeedoTeam SpeedoAdam Peaty: Goals for 20223 years agoBy SpeedoWellbeingOur Top 5 Outdoor Winter Swim Spots in the UK2 years agoBy SpeedoCommunityThe Ripple Effect – Northern Ireland (UK)3 years agoBy Speedo