SpeedoWriter and expert3 years ago3 times Olympic coach Dave McNulty has created an 8-week swim training plan for the fitness swimmer. Following this 8-week plan will help you to raise your fitness levels and stamina when swimming.SpeedoWriter and expertRelated ArticlesAdviceKeep Your Family Safe, Happy And Healthy At Home3 years agoBy SpeedoSwim PlanDave McNulty Swim Fitness Training Plan – Week 33 years agoBy SpeedoCommunitySpeedo Supports the Royal Life Saving Society with Member Grants Programme3 years agoBy SpeedoFitnessThe Best Foods To Complement Your Swim Training3 years agoBy SpeedoTeam SpeedoCaeleb Dressel: The Rituals, Diet and Inspirations of a Swimming Champion3 months agoBy SpeedoWellbeingThe Power of the Cold Water and its Positive Effects on your Mental Health3 years agoBy SpeedoTeam SpeedoCan Caeleb Dressel Break the 20-second Barrier in Speedo “Super-Suit”?3 years agoBy SpeedoAdviceJamal Hill’s Words of Wisdom3 years agoBy Speedo